Holistic Wellness Workshops with Alison Zeidler


My workshops are designed for anyone to learn and to give you the tools to empower yourelf in your own healing journey. My philosophy is the more we can do for our own health and well-being, the less we have to rely on others.

I also offer a number of on-demand courses and healing audios which can be found on the SHOP PAGE

Workshops that are offered include (descriptions and dates below):

Quantum Touch Level 1 (two day class)
Quantum Touch Level 2 (two day class)
Touch for Health Levels 1 through 4 (each level is 2 days)
Epigenetics - Your DNA is NOT your Destiny (5 - 6 hours)
Energy Boost (2 hour class)
Ceremony, Ritual and Goddesses (one day workshop)

Quantum Touch Level 1

Learn to reduce pain and inflammation, align bones, affect posture, balance chakras, perform distant healing and connect to a deep place of love and trust. Quantum Touch® Energy Healing is an amazing form of energy healing that can be used on its own or combined with any other modality.

Quantum Touch® uses natural methods of raising our own innate, energetic, vibrational field to a higher level to promote health and wellness in ourselves and others. Students get lots of hands-on practice to develop their skills and confidence.  

Once you've learned to use Quantum-Touch®, it will be yours for a lifetime. No experience necessary. Certificates and Colour Student Manuals included.

This is an ONLINE and/or IN-PERSON class. Online requirements include a computer or tablet, high-speed internet, a quiet space, and enough room so you can be seen in the camera by the instructor and others.  Cell phones are not sufficient to take this course.

DATE: February 24 and 25, 2024 - In Person and Online
TIME: 930 am to 530 pm (must attend both days)
COST: $380 pre-registration price or $460 if you register less than 21 days b4 class
($230 for repeat students)
Online via Zoom and in person
Register here:

In Level 1, learn how Quantum Touch® uses natural methods of raising our own innate, energetic, vibrational field to a higher level to promote health and wellness in ourselves and others. Learn to reduce pain and inflammation, align bones, affect posture, perform distant healing, balance chakras, and connect to a deep place of love and trust. Learn how to use Quantum Touch with your pets too.

Students get lots of hands on practice in each Level to develop their skills and confidence.  

Once you've learned to use Quantum-Touch®, it will be yours for a lifetime. It’s wonderful to know that you have something of enormous value you can do for other people. You can use it for self-healing, or at a distance on loved ones who may be far away. No experience necessary. Certificates and Colour Student Manuals included.

This is an ONLINE and/or IN-PERSON class. Online requirements include Computer or tablet, high-speed internet, a quiet space, and enough room so you can be seen in the camera by the instructor and others.  Cell phones are not sufficient to take this course.

Quantum Touch Level 2

In Level 2, you will expand your Quantum Touch® abilities working with the body. you will learn and experience new ways of running energy and using energy to balance, working with non-obvious muscles and tendons, healing trauma, working more deeply with Chakras 8-12 and so much more!

Students get lots of hands-on practice to develop their skills and confidence.  

Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Level 2. Certificates and Colour Student Manuals included.

This is an ONLINE and/or IN-PERSON class. Online requirements include a computer or tablet, high-speed internet, a quiet space, and enough room so you can be seen in the camera by the instructor and others.  Cell phones are not sufficient to take this course.

DATE: April 27 and 28, 2024
TIME: 930 am to 530 pm (must attend both days)
COST: $475 pre-registration price or $570 less than 21 days b4 class
($285 for repeat students)
Online via Zoom and in person (max 6 people in person, 20 in total)

To become a certified QT Practitioner, two Level 1 classes are required (with any instructor worldwide), along with one of the advanced classes (Level 2, Self-Created Health, Manifesting Miracles, or Supercharging). There is also a 90 hour practicum and a few other requirements.

Touch for Health Levels 1-4

Touch for Health® is a powerful holistic, whole health and healing modality. It is the most widely used muscle feedback system in the world, used by millions of people around the world to reduce stress and balance the body.

Touch for Health® uses simple muscle testing biofeedback techniques to identify sources of stress in the body, and instead of treating symptoms, techniques derived from scientific fields such as biochemistry and physiology are used to balance the whole body. 

In this hands-on, practical workshop you will develop personal awareness, improve performance in work, school, and relationships, release mental and emotional stress, identify food sensitivities, and work towards short-term and long-term goals. 

These techniques are easy, simple, safe, non-invasive, and can be learned by anyone. Touch for Health® is fundamental for looking to train in any muscle feedback modality, as well as an independent modality that can be used to improve personal health and help family and friends.

DROP IN (in person or by zoom) practice sessions offered after every workshop

- Learn how to accurately test 14 muscles, become familiar with their associated meridians, practice corrective techniques such as neurolyopathic reflexes, neurovascular reflexes, meridians, and muscle origin and insertion to resolve any imbalances. Also learn pain relief methods, food testing, and emotional stress release techniques. At the end of Level 1, you will be able to perform a general protocol called a “Touch for Health Balance”.

LEVEL 2 - Learn 14 new muscle tests, acupressure theory, the Law of the Five Elements, and understand more about how energy circulates through the meridians in our body. Also learn shortcuts to make your Touch for Health balancing faster and more permanent, how to work with acupuncture holding points, new applications of Emotional Stress Release, and more advanced methods of pain relief.

LEVEL 3 - Learn the last set of 14 new muscles and deepen your knowledge about the role of meridians and physical imbalance. You will use the 5-element model to work with color, goals, and emotions to make your balancing faster, more powerful, and longer lasting. Learn reactive muscle patterns which are often responsible for long-term, chronic pain, and how to correct those patterns.

LEVEL 4 - In this class, you’ll review Levels 1-3 and practice a complete 42-muscle Balance. You will learn to use the Time-of-Day Balance, Postural Stress Release, Figure Eight Energy, Balancing with Sound, and so much more. You will solidify your skills and knowledge for deep healing.

Snacks and Certificates provided for each Level!
New students may need to purchase the new Manual from me for an additional cost.

Friday October 20, 2023 600 pm to 800 pm
Saturday October 21, 2023 900 am to 600 pm
Sunday October 22, 2023 900 am to 600 pm
COST: $425 and includes official manual (repeat students receive discount)
TO REGISTER for Level 1:

Friday November 17, 2023 600 pm to 800 pm
Saturday November 18, 2023 900 am to 600 pm
Sunday November 19, 2023 900 am to 600 pm
COST: $425 (repeat students receive discount)
TO REGISTER for Level 2:

Dates for Levels 3 and 4 will be announced

Passage to Power - Journey to Wisdom, Freedom & Joy

DATES: On Going
HOW: Three Month One-on-One setting

Reconnect to yourself and to your heart; regain the pleasure and joy of living life

Are you a professional woman whose lost your joy and passion for life? Are you merely managing your life instead of living it? Would you like to to increase and improve your your energy? Do you want to go from surviving to flourishing and living your life to the fullest?

I’ll help you to regain your passion, joy and zest for life by guiding you to manage and even eliminate the chronic stress in your daily life.

Chronic stress is an underlying cause of so many illnesses (physically, mentally and emotionally); it wreaks havoc in our lives and leaves us feeling isolated and disconnected.

In this experiential, interactive program, you will learn what chronic stress does to us; how much power we actually have over our thoughts and feelings; how to easily shift into a state of calm (but it does take practice!). Not only will you learn to manage and release the effects of chronic stress, you’ll:

  • reclaim your passion and enjoyment for life, wherever you may be on your own life’s journey

  • learn tools to maintain your own vitality, energy, focus, concentration

  • practice self-help techniques to release the emotions surrounding past traumas

  • connect with others in a meaningful way, from a place of love and gratitude

  • experience more joy in your daily life and release grief, sadness, fear and anxiety

  • manage your stress “in the moment” and regain your power and energy

  • reconnect to your heart and hear the messages from your guides, your intuition and the universe

This can also be offered in a group - join like-minded women in a safe supportive circle. For more information, check out the website here: Passage To Power

If you are committed to taking a deep dive, challenging yourself and making changes shifts in your life, this program is for you! Book a free consult with me here Telephone Consult to see whether we are a good fit to work together and chat about details!

Five Elements to Support your Healthy Life

This is an on-demand, pre-recorded, mini workshop. It’s all about how we can use the Five Elements and Meridians to support a healthy balanced life.

You’ll get a brief overview of the Five Elements and the 12 Meridians, along with 12 quick and easy tips to support the Meridians and their associated organs, emotions and muscles.

You’ll receive access to a series of videos and a PDF you can download and print. To purchase, click on this link https://www.alisonzeidler.com/shop/five-elements

Energy Boost Mini Class

Attending an Energy Boost mini-class is a wonderful introduction to Quantum-Touch®, where you’ll learn some simple energy healing techniques to help yourself, your friends, your family and your pets.

This two hour mini-class is only a small sample of what a full Quantum-Touch® workshop can offer, but it’s a perfect way to introduce yourself to the world of energy healing and the infinite possibilities of Quantum-Touch.

DATES: Wednesday, September 6, 2023
TIME: 600 pm - 2 hour class
HOW: In person or by Zoom
COST: $66.00

Register here: https://alisonzeidler-appointments.as.me/EnergyBoost

Your DNA is Not Your Destiny

This is a holistic wellness workshop based on the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD., developed by Dr. Bruce Dewe, MD. Dr. Dewe was the co-founder of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice.

Our beliefs, thoughts, intentions, and faith correlate more strongly with our health, longevity and happiness than our genes do.

Dr Dewe says “We want to turn on the genes of longevity, wellness & vitality and turn off the genes of aging and death/apoptosis. Your genetic profile is not your destiny, you can change your gene expression by the things you think, say, and do, the things you eat, avoid or listen to and what you ponder in your heart.”

Our health depends on which genes are turned on and which genes are turned off, and while we don't have any power over what genes we are born with, we have a lot of power over what’s turned on and off.

There are no prerequisites for this class. It’s all about you - all the work will be done on yourself, so you can work on deep seated issues without the need to share them with anyone else! 

There will be a lecture portion, you’ll learn one method of self-muscle testing, and we'll talk about each of the healing techniques. Then you get to practice them on yourself. You’ll learn the basics of epigenetics, what affects our genes and:

• How release the impact of negative emotions
• Pin-point and clear common universal fears and stressors
• How to uncover and integrate buried emotions
• Multiple energy balancing cycles to strengthen your physical and emotional resiliency
• Increase your stress tolerance
• Soothe and calm overwrought states
• Safely release deeply held anger and frustration
• Release stagnant, toxic lymph and it’s associated muscle pain
• Restore balance to the body’s energy circulation meridian system

Dates: October 30, 2023
How: Online or in Person
Time: 10 am (5 to 6 hour class)
Cost: $175.00 plus book to purchase
Register here:

(NOTE - the ebook is not printable, if you would like a printed manual, I can order them for you, $40 plus shipping if outside of Whitehorse area. Printed book takes about 20 to 25 days to arrive)

Ceremony, Ritual and Goddesses

Have you ever wanted to learn more about Ritual and Ceremony?
Interested in deepening your relationship to nature?
Would you like to learn about some of the Goddesses of old?

Full Day Workshop:

In person or online, includes an extensive colour student manual, meditations, creating sacred space, honouring the four directions and more.

Dates: To Be Scheduled
Location: Online and/or in Person
Pricing: Full Day Workshop is $275 CAD or $205 US

Wheel of the Year Celebrations:

Celebratory occasions to honour the cycle of the year and the moon phases. Come celebrate with like-minded women in a safe place. Learn about the Wheel of the Year, creating an Altar, Tools, creating Sacred Space, honouring each other, the Earth and the Goddess.

Two Hour Celebrations are held at times throughout the year to coincide with various pagan holidays, such as Full or New Moons, Samhain (October 31), Yule (December 20-23), Imbolc (February 1-2), Ostara (March 19-21), Beltane (May 1), Litha (June 19-21), Lughnasadh (August 1), Mabon (September 21-23).

Dates: To Be Scheduled
Location: Online and/or in Person
Pricing: Two Hour Ceremony is $40 CAD or $30 US

Monthly Full Moon Ceremony - for Women Only

Please join me in a celebration each Full Moon. Learn about creating sacred space and ritual, in this monthly gathering for self-reflection, intention setting, releasing that which no longer serves, deepening community and connection, looking deeper within, manifesting and more. Each Full Moon we will celebrate a different Goddess.

The link to register for all, or any, is here:

Cost per gathering is $15.00. Each month we will meet on line at 80pm Yukon time.

January 25th Wolf or Quiet Moon
February 24th Snow or Storm Moon
March 25th Crow Moon (and Spring Equinox)
April 23rd Awakening or Pink Moon
May 23rd Flower Moon
June 21st Strawberry or Planting Moon (and Solstice)
July 21st Thunder or Buck Moon
August 19th Lynx or Barley Moon
September 17th Harvest Moon (and Fall Equinox)
October 17th Hunter or Blood Moon
November 15th Frost or Mourning Moon
December 15th Cold Moon

Other Workshops

  • Changing Self-Limiting Beliefs

  • Self-Care Workshops for stress relief

  • Pet Reflexology for Pet Owners (for dogs)

  • Canine and Feline Touch for Health and Acupoints

  • Corporate Wellness Mini-Seminars - I come to your organization and provide you and your staff with concrete easy to use tools to reduce stress, promote a healthier work environment, emotional resilience and more.

Contact me for more information: alison@alisonzeidler.com